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Oh, apparently I misspoke when I mentioned "eight" Democratic candidates yesterday. Is John Kerry still running? It's hard to tell out here in the heartland.

I saw a repeat of Letterman last night and one of their bits was "If they had John Kerry's Hair." It looked better Dick Cheney than on Kerry, and it was a big improvement for the VP; but that's just my opinion.

I know it's wrong to dissmiss a politician out of hand because you don't like the way he looks, but every time I see John Kerry, I see a guy who ought to be playing Scrooge in some community theatre production of A Christmas Carol.

This serves to reminds me of a bit on Saturday Night Live some time during 1988. It was one of those ad parodies that compared the original George Bush with Michael Dukakis and it ended with "Vote for Bush. He's taller."

09.18.2003, 6:57 p.m. comments (0)

This is one of those times

Here's a tidbit from Molly Ivins. She is entertaining; and from time to time, she gets it right.

I have been troubled by the emphasis on "foreign policy" issues by most of the Democrats running for president. I'm sure nobody wants to be the one dishing out reminders that the American economy is in bad shape, but the longer they don't talk about it, the longer the White House can propagate fear.

09.18.2003, 6:40 p.m. comments (0)

Wasn't Eight Enough?

The media is salivating over Gen. Wesley Clark finally making up his mind to run for president. I tend to be skeptical about anything that turns a bunch of professional journalists into drooling infants.

Plus, Bill Clinton is involved, and I still don't trust him.

Here's my point. I have a sneaking suspicion that Clark is in the race to make sure no Democrat can win in 2004. Sen. Clinton wants to be president, for some reason, and she seems to have it in her head that 2008 is her time; but if there's a Democrat in the White House that's not going to happen. She's not getting any younger, and she can't wait for 2012 when she would have to fight with a younger crop of Democrats to even be nominated.

She can't run now, because the stench of her husband's administration is still all over the country.

I doubt that Gen. Clark or his people view Clinton with as much suspicion as I do, but I can't help it. This is a guy whose major talent is self promotion. Maybe this was the trade-off for Hillary standing by her man during the Lewinsky scandal. I don't know, but I don't like it.

09.17.2003, 10:37 a.m. comments (0)

before - after

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