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A Celebration of Specialness

I remembered a phrase from high school earlier today. I don't really know what made think of it, but "Gross toads. Dirty turtles. Dead skunks." came to mind. Memory is a very strange beast.

You have to understand that this phrase was in use around my group of friends some 20 years ago in order to forgive me for not recalling the origins of this phrase. All I know is that it expressed how very repulsive we found some attribute of... whatever.

These days I'd simply say "Eeeew." But what I really mean is "Gross toads."

It looks as if I'm going to have to reschedule jury duty, since Dr. Jonsson wants to see me on Monday and that's when I was supposed to go. I don't really mind, and since Fedward got a summons for 9-27-01, I may try to get myself rescheduled on that date. He and I discussed this possibility at one time, and we agreed that it would be a scary thing if we served together. At least there might be somebody with whom to lunch. I admit that I am not looking forward to jury duty. The last time I was called, I worked for a media organization, and so I was dismissed right away. The time before that, I was 19 or so and the judge in the court was none other than current Court TV blab Catherine Crier. Her hair looks much better now-- which isn't surprising given that back then she was in Dallas, and Dallas is just bad for your hair--and she's aged remarkably well.

Or maybe I could get a vagrant to pose as me.

In other news, happy news, the new dishwasher comes tomorrow! Whoo! It will be beautiful not to have to wash dishes by hand. I know that hand-washing gets them cleaner, but I don't care. I'm sick of scrubbing plates.

I've been asleep all day after a big dose of steroids this morning to kill an unsightly rash that appeared all over my body during treatment. Dr. T. said something about how I'd feel tired today, and I'd feel more tired tomorrow because my body would be expecting the extra steroids and they wouldn't be there. I'm not sure why that would be, since corticosterioids have never produced that reaction in me before, but I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow. I just have to wait for my dishwasher.

Mmmm. Clean dishes. Tonight I'm going to go out and get some dishwasher soap. Dishwasher soap! I'm so excited I can't stand it.

Now, if anybody knows what movie the title came from, I'll be really impressed. Hint, you can get it on DVD for $9.99.

2001-08-21, 4:46 p.m. comments (0)

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