. Ham on Wry .
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In time, I will figure out everything.

Over the past two days I've been a) sleeping, and b) hacking at a javascript for my new template. There are still problems with it, which isn't a shock, because I have not worked with javascript in more than a year. Well, I haven't done anything that involved a language that wasn't English in more than a year.

I've got a good excuse, but I've also forgotten... more than I ever knew, it seems.

On the other hand, all that sleep has been good.

Yesterday I spent a couple of hours helping my hematologist with his web site, and it reminded me that I used to have some skill at doing such things. A long time has passed, though. I don't really know if I'll ever again accomplish anything on the web.

However, I came up with a couple of ideas to work with furniture. Do any of you know how to slice a futon in half? What I want to do is divide the futon on the futon-couch that never gets slept on. Then I want to make new slip covers (which I'm perfectly capable of doing) that provide a mechanism by which the futon, now cushions, will stay in place.

However, I need to figure out cutting the futon. I just can't imagine doing it with, say, scissors or a Swiss Army Knife.

My other furniture renovation project, the dresser, isn't going well. I think the paint-and-varnish removing paste separated. I don't think it's a complete disaster, but it definitely poses a problem.

But like I said, all that sleep has rocked.

Anyway, I'm tired now. I'm considering walking down to Ben and Jerry's to get a scoop of ice cream, but I don't really like Ben and Jerry's, and lately I haven't liked ice cream. This is a problem. If I felt like prowling for parking, or walking all the way to Metro, I could go to Lazy Sundae, but that's all the way out in Clarendon, and I don't have that much energy.

Oh, by the way, you can leave me a note now. Isn't that exciting?

2001-08-17, Evening comments (0)

before - after

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