. Ham on Wry .
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Hey. Thanks!

It's probably a good thing that the guy who's currently vacationing from the White House makes me so mad, because that keeps me focused on getting him out of office for more than just a month.

It disgusts me more than usual to read about how he was eating canapes at a fundraiser while New York, Cleveland, Detroit and most of the space between those places sweltered in the dark, still not exactly sure what happened.

And my usual disgust with Bush is centered around those million dollar a pop fundraisers. It's obscene. If he were serious about government he'd raise money to balance the budget. Of course, he's not.

I was out tabling for Howard Dean eariier today on a humid afternoon that threatened rain. Most of the people I talked to were polite, even if they didn't want the information I was handing out. The Bush supporters were an exception though. Several of them said "I love Bush" but they all sounded mad when they said it.

I was surptised at the scowls they all wore as a uniform. They didn't sound smug, or positive at all. They all seemed defensive, as if they were speaking through clenched teeth.

So I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the vacationing president for helping me stay positive and focused.

That's Dean for America if you've been living in a cave for the last month and haven't heard about this guy.

08.16.2003, 9:55 p.m. comments (1)

before - after

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