. Ham on Wry .
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God save the King

An open letter to the Media:

I know it's a slow news month, but please, please let Elvis rest in peace. If you think about it he had already become irrelevant by the time he bit the farm, and no matter how many devoted weirdo fans--with their velvet paintings and their fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches--remain, don't you think the rest of the world has wised up?

I know there's a never-ending war on, and I know the masses don't want to think about it beyond your basic flag waving, but isn't that what "reality" tv is for?

On second thought never mind. Go on about your business and try to sell us Elvis again. We bought it the first n times, didn't we?



08.15.2002, 2:09 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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