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Apropos of nothing

Hey, when the actual temperature reads 100, the Weather Bug turns red. I had no idea. I don't really want to know what the heat index is.

It is hotter than blazes outside today in Washington. I definitely believe it's August now. I assume we're going to pay for last week's blissful weather with a couple of weeks of hell. That's what we expect from August here in the Nation's Capital, isn't it?

Well, that and we expect all the politicians to high-tail it back to their home planets. Districts. I meant districts. So, really everything here is exactly as you'd expect it to be.

Technically I think I could avoid leaving the air-conditioned comfort of my house until Thursday, when I have to go see Dr. Shabshab. He's a nephrologist, and I remember having a catheter put in and he wrote the order for it. I was laying there on the table, not fully sedated, and there was some kind of complication with the procedure that necessitated paging him. I wasn't really together enough to grasp exactly what had happened, but it was something weird.

One of the nurses in the room seemed to repeat his name over and over again, because she just liked to say "Shabshab."

Or else it was the drugs talking, and I imagined the whole thing.

And now I'm having a hard time believing that August is almost half finished.

08.13.2002, 4:06 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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