. Ham on Wry .
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Ow, Ow ow ow ow!

You know what I mean when I say "stupid feeling" right? It's how you feel when you see a guy in a bar say "was your father an astronaut?" to a girl without any sense of irony. Or when you watch Friends.

It's the automatic cringe that I get when I see somebody doing or saying someting that can only lead to disaster. I've also called that feeling sympathetic embarrassment, but stupid feeling is so much more descriptive.

Anyway, yesterday I did something that gave me stupid feeling. I was running an errand that required a visit to a strip mall, so I parked my ugly Saturn in the parking lot and walked toward the store. I passed between two parked cars and was going to step onto the grassy strip that separates the parking area from the street area that runs in front of the stores.

The toe of my Birkenstock Lyon sandal caught in a storm drain that I didn't even see because I was looking in front of me to check for traffic. I guess I should consider myself lucky that I didn't break any bones or tear any cartilege. I have minor abrasions on both knees, the palms of both hands, and the right elbow. I am still trying to figure out how I managed to scrape a palm and an elbow on the same side.

I have four large bruises on my legs, and one on the elbow that has the scrape. I fell to the right, but my whole body aches from the impact.

One one hand, I should feel lucky that I didn't end up in a hospital after my encounter with the concrete. Unfortunately what I do feel is stupid for looking straignt ahead instead of down.

Some nice people came rushing over, and the woman who helped me up was really strong. I then went on my way and didn't realize how much damange the pavement had done until I saw the spots of blood on my skirt. Oops.

I guess I'll feel better tomorrow.

8.12.2003, afternoon comments (0)

before - after

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