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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, and about 500 other cities around the United States

Why I'm so enthusiastic about the Dean campaign, part 4 or 5.

I've been spending inordinate amounts of time reading the campaign blog, which is a true blog, and a fine example of the kind of community building that the 'net was meant to enable. One of the regular posters remarked that he lives near Madison, WI, and he has a barn.

And he wants to paint a big pro-Dean sign on his barn. Apparently he was considering Dump Bush as a barn message before, but now he thinks a positive message supporting Howard Dean would be better.

So now there's a graphic designer in New Mexico who wants to help him. She asked him to send her a picture of the barn so she can do a design. People who live anywhere near Madison, as far away as Chicago, are posting saying that they want to help with the actual painting.

A group of previously unconnected people from at least three states are working together to paint a sign on a barn in Wisconsin.

I love this country. Usually when I say something like that I would be rolling my eyes; but that is not true any more.

"Joiner" has never been a word one would use to describe me, but I'm on this bandwagon with all my energy and ideas.

It's a pretty good feeling.

08.08.2003, 11:40 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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