. Ham on Wry .
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No, not the chimp, the drinks!

Over the last few weeks I have become obsessed with bubble drinks.

They are just so much fun, plus the place where I get them has killer Vietnmese sandwiches, but it's the bubble drinks that keep me going back. I've gad lunch there twice. I just can't get over those tapioca pearls. I think my favorites so far are coconut and coffee. Not together, you understand. Mmmm. Bubbles.

I don't tiink I have really talked about my health here much. Part of the reason for that is that I have been writing about my adventures in healthcare for a project that I intend to shop around to agents and eventually hope to see in print.

There's really only so much writing about one's own body that any person can do.

Anyway, I had the last of my laser treatments yesterday, and that's good, but I also have two abdominal hearnias, and that's bad. The hernias don't usually hurt, but the second one does hurt sometimes. That's the one that worries us. It's also the one I've been trying to tell them about for a couple of months, and nobody has listened necaise U have had so much wrong with me.

They're listening now. It's funny how MD's change their attitude when you start speaking their language. "It hurts here" has little effect, but "I think I have an incisional hernia at the bottom of that midline incision, where it meets the transverse incision, and I think that the bowel may have been compromised at some point" makes them sit up and take notice.

See, it is much more fun to think about bubble drinks. I wish I had one right now! My ambition is to try all the flavors they have, even the weird ones like avocado and red bean.

I mean, bubbles!

07.24.2003, 11:08 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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