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What I Am

Amanda is awed by the Fisher-Price Playhouse

The Amanda is 5 stories tall and is one of the oldest buildings in my city.

AMANDA is a detector being constructed at the South Pole, whose purpose is to observe high-energy (~ 1 TeV or 10^12 electron volt) neutrinos from astrophysical point sources.Amanda is now hosted at SourceForge

Amanda is gonna be stopping by Kiss 92 this morning for the Mad Dog & Billy show

Amanda is ampidextrous [sic] and she can mirror-write, what is going on in her brain?

Amanda is an enthusiastic honor-roll student whose favorite subject is math, but she's struggling with a problem that even she can't solve without help

Amanda is seeded 7 at Toronto, and receives a first round bye.

See for yourself how powerful AMANDA is - and benefit today.

Amanda is eating Super Blue Green Algae.

Amanda is sooo funny sometimes.

Amanda is in the May issue of Cosmo Girl.

Amanda is nasty -- she is packing extra lbs all over the place.

Amanda is currently living in New York, at work on the subject of her new book.

Amanda is looking at Astronomy, or possibly studying Architectural Design.

Amanda is the stupidist person on Y&R at the moment.

Amanda is the only person in the room!

Amanda is on methotrexate, an immune suppressant medication.

The main idea of AMANDA is to instrument a large volume of ice with photomultiplier tubes.

Amanda is set up in a Georgetown mansion to entrap a fast-food mogul involved in espionage.

Why is dump still running after AMANDA is done?

Amanda is proud, I know

Amanda is also an accomplished political reporter as part of the WMUR-TV team

that covered New Hampshire's presidential primaries in 1992 and 1996

Here Amanda is in good company wearing her mini dress in purple (the color of the church, as Salvadore Dali told her).

Amanda is still in a coma, in stable condition.

Amanda is the Worst of the Worst.

Amanda is a talented artist whose works are often displayed in London�s prestigious galleries

AMANDA is using a completely new technique to study the Universe.

Amanda is a Chocolate Point Siamese Cat with stories, cute pix, humor, and favorite toys.

Amanda' is a monumental work.

Amanda is an outdated version & should be removed.

Amanda is nine years old and a member of the Greater Jacksonville Disc and Dog Club.

Only Amanda is left.

Amanda is called upon to save the town.

Amanda is brilliant, daring and bored out of her skull.

Amanda is like my little sister.

Amanda is a sad Panda Bear.

Amanda is planning on having 24 kids at her Valentine�s Day party, including herself.

Amanda Is Burning!

Amanda is giving people part of herself everytime she sings.

Amanda is trapped � in a shockingly bad serialized Danielle Crittenden online novel.

Amanda is the middle-est one in our blended-family.

I think Amanda is funny but in a clean way.

Amanda is the hot, swimsuit wearing covergirl this month.

Amanda is lonely, depressed, and contemplatingsuicide, until the Devil comes along.

Shaun is dressed for yoga (leotard), Amanda is not (black mesh shirt, black PVC skirt, black half bra).

Amanda is what basketball coaches and players call a "gym rat."

Amanda is an artist that can stand on sheer talent

Amanda* is an excellent example of why AFDC is necessary in this country.

Amanda is as warm as the cappuccino she sips between drags on numerous cigarettes in the theatre lobby.

Amanda is able to back up Microsoft Windows.

The person who said Amanda is actually talented: What were you smoking?

On HALLOWEEN Amanda is dressing up as a GIRL PIRATE

Amanda is 19.5 inches tall.

Amanda is also available for stimulating keynotes and workshops which bring a deepened state of awareness to the workplace.

Amanda is a Swedish vocal ensemble founded in 1981.

Besides having been developed with my tax dollars, AMANDA is easy to install

Amanda is the team captain for Bunny Pickin' Flowers.

Amanda is completely sewn, stuffed and beaded by hand.

Amanda is a bird that you just can not change

Amanda is also a qualified Junior Judge able to judge state level 1/2/3's

Amanda is a goddess.

Amanda is a dedicated supporter of individual liberty, limited government and the rule of law

Amanda is currently 1 speech from completing her Competent Toastmaster award.

Amanda is a diamond in the rough.

The great thing about Amanda is that she doesn't have a Hollywood attitude.

Amanda is not presently in a band of her own.

Amanda is trained and a formital opponent with the bat leth

Amanda is a full body sculpt out of ProSculpt

Amanda is dealing with Lorraine's issues until she returns from maternity leave.

Amanda is whipping out the Altoids.

What Amanda is is 360 degrees of stereophonic sound presented to you in glorious Technicolor CinemaScope.

I'm beginning to think that Amanda is the web.

Amanda, is strangely silent and doesnt contribute.

(I credit this entry to Jerseygrrl because she posted something similar to a mailing list we're both on. The meme has been circulating there all day. The deal is that you google your first name with a verb like "is." Hilarity ensues.)

07.23.2002, 2:00 a.m. comments (0)

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