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OK, so I found something to write about.

I know it's been a long while since I've written anything here. I've juse been doing other things. Sometimes you just don't feel like navel-gazing too much.

I honestly have nothing to say at this point. When I have something to say... well, by then I'm sure most of my remaining readers will have found something else to read.

Rest assured that I'm fine, the cats are all fine, and my life seems extremely boring right now, which is probably why I have very little to say.

Oh, except that I love my new ultrasound toothbrush. It's really wonderful. Probably doesn't matter which kind you buy, but if you want really clean teeth, I recommend you get yourself a toothbrush that's faster than the Concorde.

Fedward claims that the elecric toothbrush he uses, the Braun-Oral B, is rated higher by Consumer Reports and others, such as the New York Times. Well, I've used both, and I think the faster one works better. I got the Sonicare, but I imagine the others work just as well.

My teeth are white and shiny and my gums feel great after a week.

So what I mean when I say "other things" is shopping, at least in part. There's also been more eye surgery, a lot of work with MCR and some working out. I wouldn't say "it's all good" because I am not pretending to be 20, but everything is OK, and that's good enough right now.

07.16.2003, 2:35 a.m. comments (0)

before - after

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