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Lazy Hazy Crazy

I know I've mentioned my cats before, but I also know that I don't talk about them as much as I talked about Lola. It's just that Lola was special...

In any case, the new girls are getting along with each other, which is kind of nice. See?

Aren't the pretty? They sleep quite a bit, I mean, they are cats after all. Marilyn, the silver patch tabby, is more sedate than Amelia, the gray and white, and she's somewhat less flaky. I love them both, but I had to make a promise not to adopt more and more Maine Coon Cats in the quest to find another one like Lola. I'm going to stop at two and accept that Lola was one in a million.

I still miss her. I still think about her every day.

In unrelated news, I think I'm feeling better. My blood volume is up a little bit, though still not to the level of a normal person. I haven't had normal blood volume for several years, though.

I took the bold step of scanning the classifieds in the Post to see what kinds of jobs are available in fundraising and development. They're out there, but they don't pay all that well. Financially I think I'd be better off staying out on disability, but I'd really like to, you know, do something with my time.

I've been thinking about restoring the woodwork in the house. It's fairly ornate but covered with with six layers of paint and varnish. I know this because before I got sick I started working on it. I'd guess we got about a third of it stripped. My latest thought is to have somebody pry the woodwork off the walls and send the stuff out to be refinished and restored, then reinstall it.

This may or may not be fesable, but it's good to have something to think about, isn't it? (Yes. Yes it is.) It turns out that the authoritative text on restoring woodwork in an old house is out of print. I could get a copy from one of several booksellers on Amazon, but it would cost somewhere between $50 and $75. Then I remembered that my cousin, Em, is a furniture maker and kind of a wood genius.

So I'm going to call her and ask if she'll come down to take a look-see. I figure that an educated opinion is probably going to have more validity than my wild-ass guess.

Which is a long-winded way of saying that there's not really much going on these days.

07.13.2002, 11:37 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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