. Ham on Wry .
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Find a few hours to do what has to be done

Well, people--and when I say "people" what I mean is "American people"--I have no idea how many readers I have any more. I really don't pay attention, and I've made zero effort to publicize my tiny little corner of the informaton whatever they call it these days, but I have a message for, um, both of you.

It's not too late to take this country back from, well, you know who I mean. It's not just the current administration. Frankly, I think Tom DeLay might be the most dangerous man in Washington right now, but he'd be a whole lot less dangerous with a Democrat in the White House.

See, I think our political system works best when one political party does not control everything. I'm sure the Dems would like to take the Senate back, and I'm sure they'd like to make things closer in the house, but those races are smaller and too often they are controlled from the top.

Politics these days is an ugly business. Yesterday was the anniversary of the assassination of James Garfield at Washington's train station. Remember President Garfield? He came pretty much out of nowhere, wasn't expected to be nominated much less win, and he was shor by a party guy who thought he should have been awarded a better diplomatic post. The gunman did this to affect political change, because he truly beleived that the vice president would serve the country better.

In any case, the story reminded a little of Howard Dean. Not that I am advocating any violence at Union Station; but I like Howard Dean, at least I think I do. What I really like is that his supporters seem to be real human beings who are sick and tired of the feeling of utter helplessness that has overtaken us where our elected officials are concerned.

We can't change everything about the way the political part of our government works. On the other hand, if we continue to do nothing, we can't change anything.

So do something. I wouldn't presume to tell you which candidate to support, since I'm convinced that any rational person who thinks about the issues for a few minutes could not come up with a good reason to support the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, but get out there and support somebody.

A lot of the Dems are set up on meetup.com. Dean was there first. If you're so inclined, I noticed that folks who aren't even running yet, such as Gen. Wesley Clark and perennial gadfly Ralph Nader are also set up there.

In this case, the what--political involvement--is more important than the who.

07.03.2003, 12:33 a.m. comments (0)

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