. Ham on Wry .
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Mmmm. Frosting for breakfast.

In the too much of a good thing department...

At lunch the other day, at the place where I had the cheese sandwich with the whole peppercorns that I sent back, I noticed that it is possible for a person to order French toast with chocolate ganache.

That's French toast with very rich frosting, to you and me. I like French toast, which the actual French call pain perdu because the bread soaks up the egg-milk mixture and then you fry it up in butter, and you get this wonderful custardy center, and it's so very good.

Ganache is a lovely thing. In its best form it is made of very fine chocolate and heavy cream, and that's it. I just can't imagine that these are, indeed, two great tastes that taste great together. Neither the chocolate lover (I like chocolate, but I wouldn't call myself a chocolate lover) nor the bread lover are going to be satisfied with this arrangement.

In other news, if we could get three sunny days together here in my neck of the woods there would be a lot of happy Washingtonians, including me. The current system seems to have moved off to the east, but there's probably another one behind it.

We don't need the rain any more!

06.20.2003, 6:37 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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