. Ham on Wry .
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These are the voices behind the machine

Latest from the sick and wrong department: So I'm watching some family oriented show on some random cable network, I don't actually remember which in either case, when I came across one of the more disturbing thing I'd seen on teevee in a long time.

Three adolescents sat in an ad consuming a candy called "Baby Bottle Pops." They didn't have normal pre-teen heads, they had baby heads. On pre-teen bodies. From the clothes on the bodies, they appeared to be two boys and a girl, but it's hard to tell. Toward the end of the ad one of the boys ran out of candy and turned back into an adolescent, which made his companions laugh like maniacs. I just sat there shaking my head.

On the other side of twisted, Rob was over on Sunday and introduced me to Homestar Runner. Now, for all I know this thing has made the full round of the blog community and I'm the last on my block to see it; wouldn't be the first time. It's funny as hell. It's Flash animation, and it's a great diversion.

If this is modern sensibility, I think there may be some hope for the world at large.

06.15.2002, 4:14 a.m. comments (0)

before - after

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