. Ham on Wry .
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If life were a dog

I was just thinking that I liked my life better when 5 a.m. was the tail end of the day. Now I guess I'd call it the snout. It doesn't seem like so long ago when I used to stay out late, but I suppose it is, when you think about it. Doesn't make much sense to stay out late when you don't drink, does it?

It's not that the pale gray peace of the hour just before dawn doesn't have its own appeal, more that I could appreciate it better as part of a night before than I do as part of a day just starting.

The quiet of the early morning is rich and heavy, almost wet. Unspoiled by sunlight, it has a bit of mystery that seems to dissipate as the sun rises.

In contrast, after a long night, seeing the new day just beginning to come around provides a touchstone, a moment of clarity.

I need a moment of clarity right about now, but it's only 2:15. And somewhere in my town, things are happening that will affect the whole country if not the whole world.

I'm worried about it, of course, when we should really all be asleep.

06.09.2002, 1:59 a.m. comments (0)

before - after

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