. Ham on Wry .
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Teacher, mother, secret lover

So, last night I was watching Law and Order, when all of a sudden my teevee turned itself off. This didn't really bother me, as Law and Order has become really lame in the past few years, but Mom wanted to watch, so I'm all whatever about it. I wasn't going to make the argument that the Law and Order she remembers airs on A&E 21 times a week now, and it's really very rare that she comes out of her lair at night, so I figured I'd let that slide for an hour.

Anyway, the set went black and quiet. I aimed the remote at it, and it made the "I'm turning back on" noise, but the picture never returned.

I think the picture tube blew. I use the term "blew" loosely: there were no sparks, no shrapnel, just black. I left the set on, because it still gets audio and for some reason I find teevee more appealing with no picture.

Despite this, I'm sure I'll replace the darned thing possibly as soon as today. Most of the reeason I like television is that it gives me an excuse to sit down, and standing generally gives me a headache that sends me back to bed. As it is I spend at least 12 hours sleeping each day.

When the picture went out, I felt giddy and almost free. I could live the rest of my life happily without ever seeing another Friends promo, or knowing that Fear Factor exists. On the other hand, there are things I'd miss... like being able to complain about Friends promos and Fear Factor existing.

Television fuels contempt, and I couldn't live without contempt.

05.23.2002, 6:44 a.m. comments (0)

before - after

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