. Ham on Wry .
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You know that adage about things you can't control?

Just a couple of things sticking in my craw this lovely morning, mostly concerning television.

First off, you'd think that after however many years it's been on, I'd learn that Buffy is aired Tuesday nights and avoid this one mailing list which seems to comprise really cool people most of the time, except when they're having the same damned conversation about Buffy every week. I've known these folks for a long time, like them all, but I don't get the whole Buffy thing.

You would think that if a lot of my friends like it, I'd like it, too. You'd be wrong. I tried to watch it and found the production values wanting but the plot not enough to make up for that. The effects in the episide I watched a couple of years ago were beyond cheesy.

I admit that I'm a sucker for good production values... I mean, I still watch ER. A lot of the charm of the X Files for me was that the lighting was practically a character.

Anyway, the second thing actually makes me look forward to the Buffy threads: why is it that some folks cut down on their teevee watching, they have to talk about it, and how much better they are for it. Now, I'm not claiming that watching television makes one a better person, but if you don't watch, just shut up about it. My cats are far more entertaining than most teevee, but it's not as if Joe Internet has stopped watching because he suddenly feels the need to cure cancer, solve the problems of the Middle East or even get more exercise. It just seems to push an otherwise ordinary person over into the circle of Shut Your Trap, Already!

It's just something that annoys me, that's all. It's just that one timesuck is pretty much just like the next.

And now I will attempt to move a futon frame downstairs and out to the curb without the benefit of an Allen wrench. This, of course, is what's making me cranky, which renders all the little things much.... bigger.

I have a brick wall. It is possible that I should go and break some plates against it.

05.22.2002, 6:27 a.m. comments (0)

before - after

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