. Ham on Wry .
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Blood Makes Noise

I noticed something strange today. When I look at my hands now, I see them differently than I ever have before. I do not see instruments, I do not see potential; I do not even see a whole.

What I see is skin, bones, and mostly veins. (Sometimes a good tech can still hit the cephalic vein in my right hand. It runs from the thumb up the arm and hooks up with the subclavian, which in my case is too scarred for a central line. It's a big damned tube that carries blood to my heart, and it's too tough for a needle. Funny how that's worked out.

I see a sum of parts, but I definitely see the parts.

What I am really seeing is my personal history as it plays out in my body. I wonder sometimes if healthy people consider how deeply the condition of their bodies affects the way their lives play out.

I do not know that I would had so much of this decade not been spent in ambulances and hospitals.

05.03.2003, 11:06 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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