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Cleanup on Aisle Five... now!

You will all recognize me in the middle of the summer: I'll be as white as paint.

I'm just checking in to say that I'm all right. Really, I'm fine. I think about updating, but my schedule is so weird lately that I don't have a good rhythm going.

However, I finally got a haircut, which I needed. It's very short now, and I'm actually thinking of going blond for the summer. Who am I kidding? I don't think there's ever going to be a product that would get the red out of my hair enough so that I could be a convincing blond. Right, a convincing blond with dark brows. I've always kind of liked that look. No, seriously. I know I haven't the diligence to be a bottle blond.

In any case, I'm feeling fairly well; I've settled into peritoneal dialysis, and while it's hard for me to manage to eat enough, I think I have more energy. It's hard to tell because my life, as it is right now, doesn't require much in the way of energy. I feel that I ought to require more of myself, but at the same time there's a team of medical folks pleading with me to take it easy.

So, here's a sunny day tip for all my readers: sunscreen, people. All of you. Even the guys. Wear sunscreen every time you even consider going outdoors. Even better, a wide-brimmed hat is your friend in the summer months.

At some point I hope to get back into writing regularly; in the mean time, stick with me. I may once again have something interesting to say, and you never know when.


Oh. To the reader who wrote in that she actually uses Fresh Express Shreds: I think it's great that you're eating more vegetables, but I don't think the USDA really meant that all five servings should be iceberg lettuce. Think how much more you're paying somebody else to cut your lettuce for you... think about putting those dollar bills in a coffee can and using them to buy something interesting, cool, or even downright wasteful with your savings. Like a $20 lipstick.

(OK, that's not wasteful; sometimes it's necessary.)

And to the reader who wrote in that she, a blond person, wears black mascara, well, you're not alone. That's kind of my point. Just, the next time you're in a department store stop by a Calvin Klein counter and ask if you can try on the Khaki mascara. You'll be surprised how great it looks. You didn't mention your eye color, so I won't recommend other colors, but plum looks great on people with brown eyes. Green is very flattering to blue eyes. Charcoal works on everybody and none of them are as harsh as black.

Take a risk; it's not life-threatening.

04.26.2002, 12:24 a.m. comments (0)

before - after

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