. Ham on Wry .
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Am I going to have to bang my head against a brick wall?

It looks like the Washington Poat has a blog of its very own now. Filter is simply not very good. I'm thinking that if the Post really wanted a blog, it should have asked Howard Kurtz to do it... which is just a longer way of saying "who needs a blog when you already have Media Notes?" (Kurtz's Media Notes is very good, of course.)

Call me crazy, but I think this is another of these places where the twain never should have met. Leave the amateur journalism to the amateurs. They do it better. The Post's offering is cheesy, written in a half-baked manner not worthy of a national newspaper, and it's just a shade too meta for my tastes. I can hear the gum smacking through the tone, and that's not a good thing.

Plus it just started and already calls itself a "must read". What.ever. Isn't somebody else supposed to say that? I don't know for a fact that somebody else didn't. but I didn't see any quotation marks or attributions such as "Filter is a Must Read!" --Rex Reed. Or, you know, Gene Shalit, Rona Barrett, Joel Siegel... any of the usual four-star suspects.

I guess this is just another way in which war brings out the worst in people.

04.15.2003, 5:35 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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