. Ham on Wry .
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Until I get back, here's something to ponder.

Hey everybody,

I am having surgery tomorrow morning. I ought to have taken a few minutes to e-mail so many of you privately, but I've been in a lot of pain over the past week or so, plus I didn't know exactly when they'd be operating until today.

My hope is that this will be the last problem, and that I will be able come home from this to begin my recovery, but for real this time.

I would say that nothing else could possibly happen to me, but... well, I really think everything possible has happened to me!

I have been drowning my sorrows in I Love the 80s on VH-1. If I felt like writing a style sheet to put that one phrase in Chicago, I would. Of course, I don't.

Also, I have been sleeping through the war on CNN. I'm serious. Every time another Cruise missle launches, Koog takes a nap.

Does anybody else wonder if those missles are really Tom Cruise missles?

04.04.2003, 11:15 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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