. Ham on Wry .
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Arrivaderci, Roma

Hey, today was a really nice day. So nice, in fact, that I wore shorts and felt completely comfortable.

I have had nothing to say this week because of the hours upon hours I spent sleeping. Dialysis and naps, that's my life right now. How very dull. On the other hand, I managed to rouse myself to go out and get a facial, so my skin looks magnificent.

I bought a new eye cream from Philosophy under the aegis of its Hope in a Jar line. I like how the company hit on a great name and has expanded it--its previous eye cream had a different name and not-very-effective formula--but I can see how having several nearly identical jars bearing the same name could get confusing. The product seems to be pretty good; it's very greasy, and even a little sticky, but if it works I'm willing to put up with that.

It looks like I'm going to do the makeup for a couple of spa days with Ruth, my facialist. That ought to be fun. Every time I put makeup on somebody else, I think about going into business as a makeup artist. Of course, having your own business takes energy, and I sleep an awful lot...

Which brings us to where I started, and seems like as good a place to end as any.

03.08.2002, 8:20 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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