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Won't you be my neighbor?

Happy Birthday, little brother.

It's a pretty sad day, though, with the death of Mr. Rogers. Fred Rogers is one of those rare individuals who is above reproach. Sure, it's possible to poke fun at him, but even doing that you can't help thinking about the message he spread to kids everywhere: it's good to share, and it's good to use your imagination every day.

Mr. Rogers' legacy will live on, I hope. I also hope that PBS continues to air his shows for a long time, because the message is still important to youngsters. It's still important for adults as well, so I hope that many of us will pause to remember Mr. Rogers and the things he taught us when we were small.

My brother and I used a couple of the characters from the Land of Make Believe in playing as very young children. I was Henrietta Pussycat and he was Daniel Striped Tiger. I know that watching Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood as a child is at least in part responsible for the work I do rescuing cats today.

So I will remember Mr. Rogers fondly every time I make a sacrifice to help a furry friend. I think it's a fitting tribute, because I also know that rescue work is the best thing I do.

02.27.2003, 5:53 p.m. comments (0)

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