. Ham on Wry .
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Buy them in a whole new way

So, I am trying to get organized.

I ought to know how, since I think I have read every possible book on getting organized, but so far it doesn't seem to be happening.

The best, most sensible book I have found is one by Don Aslett, who runs an actual cleaning business. He also produced one of my favorite cleaning tools, the magnificent rubber broom that I use to sweep snow, when it snows. He just seems like he lives in the real world, as opposed to most other people who just seem to want to sell you a lot of things.

We are supposed to have snow this weekend, and there has been a little bit already, but I have not been out to sweep. I am lazy that way. OK, not lazy, but I am tired. Hey, I'm still recovering.

Right now I am procrastinating calling Fedward, because I fear he will not be awake. DC has already declared a snow emergency, despite the fact that all we've had are flurries. The weather forecasters have said the magic phrase "one-to-two-feet" and I think that scares city officials. Besides, the mayor has fled to Puerto Rico, so that must mean something.

Fedward and I are supposed to drive out to Micro Center to get some computer parts this afternoon before the "blizzard" hits. It's either that or go to the Market Pro Computer Show, which is in Gaithersburg this weekend. The main difference is that you can go inside Micro Center and buy things without paying $7 admission. Of course they don't ask for your zip code and such at the geek show.

So really, you're damned if you do...

02.15.2003, 12:35 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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