. Ham on Wry .
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While Rome Burns and Stuff

I'm back home from the hospital, if you haven't heard this news from some of the other places I've posted it. I am also having major computer problems, in that both my machines are hobbled, and the one machine chez moi that connects to this here Internet does so via a dialup modem... I know that in third world countries this would be a great bonus, but I do not live in a third world country. I have the technology inside the house, even, but this machine will not acknowledge the presence of peripherals... including the network card. And it sucks.

Oh. And I meant to tell you all that I am special. Special how? I'm glad you asked that. I was reading this book about organizing, because that's how I generally like to pass the time when I'm heavily drugged, and the author of one of the books stated that it takes somebody really special to clutter up a hallway.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you my upstairs hallway.

I tell you, I am Scarlett O'Hara. And I will think about that tomorrow.

In yet other news, I have a new haircut, a decent cup of coffee, the last of the nice brownies that Louann made for me (no, not that kind of nice; more than a pound of dark chocolate plus half a pound of butter nice) and a neutral lip gloss. And today the nice woman who waxed my eyebrows honestly thought I was a 25-year-old Frenchwoman rather than, uh, what I am.

That's got to be good.

02.13.2003, 3:57 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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