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That old, familar place

Just so y'all know, I am back in the hospital, where I have been since Saturday afternoon. I had been having some rejection symptoms, and after much negotiation between me and healthcare professionals late Friday night, we decided that it would be all right for me to go for bloodwork Saturday morning and somebody would call me with the results.

Which was that I needed to be in a hospital. The docs suspected that I had a toxic level of one or more of my immunosuppressants, but even after cutting the dose of one of them in half my sypmtoms have not resolved. I know they won't send me home before the problem is at least identified, so I am not really worried. In fact, I am already thinking about things I'd like to do when I get out.

See, Fedward and I took a trip out to IKEA on Friday, so I had decorating fever. Not a bad case, but I wanted to rev up my organizing engines and maybe buy a rug or fashion some window treatments for the front room. At least take down the Christmas tree. That's really the least I can do. But now I lay in a hospital bed contemplating the passage of time. We're doing a biopsy on the transplanted kidney this afternoon, and I guess I'm glad we're doing it now rather than later. I just want some answers!

But I thought I was going home on Monday, so I am disappointed to be here still.

They're coming with lunch now. I can hear the rickety aluminum cart lumbering down the hall. The hospital food service people won't enter my room because I am still in isolation, but they place the tray on a cart outside my door, and a nurse's assistant (when did they stop being called nurse's aides?) brings it in. Today's assistant is named Tenielle. As in "The Captain and..."

Go figure.

02.04.2003, 1:28 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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