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How much is that kidney in the window?

Went to see the cardiologist today. Apparently my heart, unlike other parts of my body, is in fine shape considering that it had surgery a few months ago. Dr. Kieran was very, very thorough. Apparently Dr. Jonsson had locked my chart in his office so I had to give a complete medical history to this cardiologist I'd never met before.

It took a while. He was very pleasant, though, and I wondered if he would recognize the name "John Cheever." I didn't ask, though maybe I should have.

So I think I'm cleared for a kidney transplant, assuming I can find a kidney. The nurse-coordinator mentioned that Carolyn's test results didn't indicate that she'd be eligible. Looks like she needs both her kidneys, which is fine. (Or not. I sincerely hope there's nothing really wrong with her.)

Mom has entered the second phase of testing. I'd feel better about that if she were healthier; still, it might work out. If it doesn't, that will be OK, too. I'll think harder about who else I might ask.

The thought of asking a friend or relative to donate a kidney is surreal.

I was thinking about this because I saw a promo for a news report on one of the local teevee channels about buying organs from people in Third World countries. I didn't tune in because I didn't really need another "investigative" angle on transplantation. If more people were willing to consider donating, maybe there wouldn't be a market. I find it very freaky that there's a class of people in the world who would consider their own body parts as a resource. Of course, I also have a pancreas from the victim of an automobile accident; when I think about it, that's just as weird.

On one hand I hope I don't have to ask again; on the other hand, well, as Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof said, there is no other hand. Of course, his daughter was about to run away with a Russian soldier, and I think that's a little bit different.

If the question becomes necessary, I'll find a way to ask it and people to ask it to; I always find a way.

01.30.2002, 11:54 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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