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Yawn. I guess it's Sunday.

Today seems to be the first day since coming home from the hospital that I haven't felt at least marginally optimistic. It is possible that I did too much yesterday. I went out twice and walked to the point of exhaustion.

OK, walked is too benign a word. I was shopping. For groceries, not fun stuff. But the marketing experence involved two different stores, driving, and much cart pushing. On the other hand I might just be all riled up because the first thing I did this morning was make coffee and watch the McLaughlin Group. That can't be healthy.

I am also having a couple of friends over to watch the Big Game, and the house is a mess. I hate that. My cleaning people were supposed to be here on Thursday, after the "hey, come on over Sunday" e-mail went out. Of course they didn't show. I've arranged tor new cleaners, but that doesn't help me today.

Mom said she would help, but her idea of helping seems to be picking up stuff upstairs where nobody will be.

Inspired by the $50 Burger, I thought I'd try making stuffed burgers, plus dip and stuff. I haven't started cleaning, let alone cooking. My friends don't expect an effort, but I expect myself to be sublimely impressive.

At least the room where the TV is should be tidy, so I guess I'd better get moving. The food will take care of itself. Then I can take a nap during the actual game.

01.26.2003, 12:15 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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