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We are young despite the years. We are concern. We are old despite the times.

"These Days." How long has it been since you listened to Life's Rich Pageant? That's an R.E.M. record, son. There's more in that one record than there is in the entirety of boy bands. I promise.

Well, we had snow over the weekend, and I had a birthday. It was nice, I mean all of it. The snow was pretty, even though my brother's plane landed in the middle of it. The birthday was all right. I had a few friends over for brunch, an event that caused me to prepare way too much food. I have no reasonable idea how much people eat, I guess.

In any case, this was the first time my whole nuclear family had been together in ten years. I wish J. had brought the rest of his family along, but for a weekend trip I think it would have been quite a production getting the kids on a plane.

I was at the Market when he actually got to the house, and then he called and said he'd meet me there. I went outside to look out for him, and I recognized him from a block away by his carriage and his gait. I was touched by this, even wanted to shed a few tears. You know, where has all the time gone, and weren't we kids in school not so long ago? I didn't actually cry, but maybe thinking about it counts for sentimentality.

Rob and Ed were among my guests, and I guess they're my sort of substitute brothers. Except neither of them has ever tried to give me a noogie or threatened to tell Mom about... whatever. I guess these days there's really not that much to tell Mom.

So I was happy on my birthday. There were nice people, good food, lots of conversation and no singing. I especially liked that part. David brought me the most amazing gift, which I should really photograph so you can see it. I can't exactly describe it except to say that it was manufactured in 1985, and the 80s were... different.

My plan for the next year is, well, I don't necessarily have a plan. I thought about ushering in a New Era of Fabulousness, but that sounds like a lot of when I consider it now. I mean, who decides what's fabulous? How are you supposed to distinguish the new fabulousness from the old fabulousness? Besides, I wasn't sure whether the New Era of Fabulousness was supposed to be for me, or for everybody.

You see where that could get confusing.

So I think my plan for 2002 is to hang in there and do a better job at things like saving money. I figure that I am not getting any younger, and I should start behaving like a responsible adult.

One of these days.

01.21.2002, 7:38 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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