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Coming to you live from the back bedroom

I feel pretty good this morning. It's a weird good, and I don't really understand it.

See, tomorrow is my birthday. I'm pushing 40 -- not hard, it's just that eventually I will be 40, and... well this year I have several friends who turned 40, and I guess that fuzzles me a little more than the potential of turning 40 myself. In any case, my last few birthdays have been marked, or not, by me in a hospital somewhere. I was out in the real world last year and had people over, which was nice. I got to wear these cool leather pants that don't fit any more. I don't know whether they'll ever fit again, but I thought I looked pretty good in them that day.

But I have never been one for birthday gifts because, in short, I'm hard to buy for. (I'm not really, but people think I am, and I let them think that.) However, this year I decided what I wanted for my birthday, and I asked for it. It's not really a thing gift though, which makes it easy to say yes.

I asked for a closet.

Not just any closet, mind you. The way the second floor of my house is set up, there is one big bedroom in the front, one smaller bedroom next to that, a sad excuse for a bathroom, a very small "bedroom" and then the back bedroom, which is about the same size as the second bedroom.

The layout is a nightmare. Mom has the front bedroom, which is fine for her, but there's a lot of junk in it. Currently I am sleeping in the smallest of the bedrooms because that's where I had them put my new bed when I bought it last year. My clothes and most of my stuff live in the back bedroom. What I'd like to do is turn the smaller bedroom into a dressing room/closet. This might, at last, allow me to get my clothing and accessories organized and together. I would move my bed into one of the smaller bedrooms, and I'd be able to feel like I was living in an actual room rather than a place stuffed with clothes and accessories that has room enough for a bed.

I am very satisfied with this idea. Now I guess I should get on with planning and budgeting to make sure it happens.

And then I should decide whether I want chicken soup or chili today. Our temperatures have been very chilly, and I think this would be a good day for one or the other. I just have to pick. I am leaning toward chicken soup with big egg noodles, but I have to choose the vegetables.

Tomorrow, or later today if football is boring, I will provide full reviews of the skin care products I bought a few weeks ago.

01.19.2003, 8:26 a.m. comments (0)

before - after

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