. Ham on Wry .
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Drugs are bad, mmmmkay?

The kidney really is a remarkable thing, and it's true that you have no idea how important it is to your overall health until you go without for a while.

So I managed to avoid bouncing back in. I'm glad of that, although I think I might have been more comfortable in a hospital setting for a number of reasons. Because my numbers have been so good (creatinine 1.2, BUN 21 at last check) I am allowed to manage myself at home with far-too-frequent clinic trips. This wouldn't be so bad if I could drive myself, but I can't right now.

The mega doses of Lasix are keeping my urinary tract rather busy. I'm actually not thrilled with this part. Truth be told, it's making me miserable to have to get up every few minutes again and again. However, I can see some results. My left arm is much less swollen, and there's even a possibility that I might be able to wear real shoes again tomorrow.

The skin on my legs still hurts from the cells underneath being waterlogged, and the Percocet is causing some of the most disturbing dreams I've ever had. Like the Matrix... only without the back story. The worst thing is that I was pretty sure the whole thing was real, because I kept getting up, peeing and then going back to bed, and I always went back to the same spot.

So, that's my drug problem for the week.

In any case, I'm not 100%, but I'm better off now than I was a week ago, and that's OK with me. My goal for today was to train the TiVo remote to operate the TV set, and I succeeded; my goal for tomorrow is to go out for pancakes for breakfast, so we'll see about that.

More as something warrants it.

01.17.2003, 4:55 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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