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Koog waves "hi" from ICU

Of course K got through the surgery ok. That's the way she does things. She could charge for lessons on dealing with life's weird surprises at this point.

The docs got there before the infection damaged stuff like valves and arteries and removed two "large" (what constitutes "large?") pockets of infection (I don't even want to think about what that looked like -- do they use Lysol spray?) from inside her heart.

She's still in intensive care at INOVA on (eeuuwww) Gallows Road, Northern Virginia. But maybe, just maybe, tomorrow she'll be moved to a real hospital room.

She has maintained a sense of humor and I read her the notes some of you sent and she smiled. I'm going to challenge her to enter a walk-race with me sometime in 2002, because I've got 20 years on her, but at this point I'm healthier than she is, and that's not saying much.

The moon was still quite lovely last night when I drove home from the hospital. So, I'll end with a refrain...

Blue Moon, you found me standing alone, ... ok look up the rest of it. I have temporary memory lapses. dip-ta-dip-ta-dip... didn't your mom? No? Uh-oh. I'm in trouble.

Koog's Mom

[email protected]

oh yeah, Lola is just fine. I brushed her a little while ago with my very own hairbrush and she purred during the whole experience.

11.02.2001, 7:07 p.m. comments (0)

before - after

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