. Ham on Wry .
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Koog's Mom Interjects

Koogle-woman is still in the hospital. It's almost 3 weeks now. This is her mom posting an update. Now, if everything was ok with her, she'd be writing to you herself. Of course.

But it isn't. Her body is rejecting the kidney. The fact that she isn't rejecting the pancreas too is a plus, and only highlights the fact that she is a unique person. only about 5% of those who reject organs after a double transplant only reject one of them.

The docs have her on meds that are killing all the T-cells in her body. She is on pain-killers that make her loopy. She is retaining fluid and her legs hurt a lot.

If you pray to any dieties, or to a Universal All, or if you can just sit and send energy to her, please do.

She's gonna kill me when she reads this.

Koog's Mom

07/10/01, noonish comments (0)

before - after

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