. Ham on Wry .
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We're on a road to nowhere, come on inside

I have had some interesting feedback on my entry about pets, several people said they thought I had a good point, one person who has significant experience with animals was more skeptical. (The skeptic had some excellent points about what happens when a family doesn't take care of a pet, so if you're going to get a new kind of pet, please make sure you do some research beforehand. Know what you're getting into!)

For the record, I don't think pets would be a cure-all for teen angst; I'm not that naive. Teen problems are too complicated to be solved with band-aids and hand-wringing, but if you try to isolate the root problems, I think you'd find that some of them might be soothed by contact with another living thing.

So, in that sense, gardening might also be a good choice.


Today was a nice day, though we're supposed to have rain later tonight. I drove around with the sunroof open and the driver's side window down, and dreamed of having a convertible again. Today was not a top-down day but it might be by next week. There may be a convertible in my not-too-far-off future.

I bought lemon curd at TJ's. You can't beat lemon curd. I remembered a conversation with a friend I haven't talked to in a while, in which he said the only time he'd ever seen me truly happy was when I was about to make a really bad choice.

Well, I'm thinking of making another unexpected choice that might present some difficulties in my life. This one is a different type of choice, but it would be just as life changing. It wouldn't be bad, but it wouldn't be easy. I'm leaning strongly in one direction, but I don't have to decide yet.

More as it happens, as I make up my mind and then change it 65 times. I might, you know.

2001-03-12, evening comments (0)

before - after

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